Math Worksheets and Video Tutorials for High School and IB Math
Math Worksheets and Video Tutorials for High School and IB Math

Online Math Courses

What is an Online Mth Course?

Our online math courses are mainly self directed but that doesn’t mean you are alone!  I’m here to help however I can.  There are practice worksheets with a short lesson, example, and some practice exercises.  There are also video tutorial to compliment the topic and/or lesson.  Why would you want to relearn something you learned in class, you’re thinking? Good question. However, I try not to reteach but rather than present material you have already seen in a different and hopefully more approachable and simplistic way with the focus on examples and exercises.

The online courses are meant to be a supplement to a course you are taking or have already completed. 

Why online math courses?

  • Get ahead start on your course in the upcoming term.
  • Review last year’s material in a more compact and “to the point” manner focussing on the main points.
  • Maybe you enjoy math and want to work ahead.
  • Perhaps you’ve been away from school and want to get back or working towards your GED.
  • Need help with specific topics.
  • Looking for a different approach to the material.
  • So many other reasons!

Who are online math courses for?

  • Students in a course currently and struggling.
  • People looking to apply to a college or university program but require some mathematics
  • Students preparing for exams. Eg. IB, AP, high school
  • IB students working towards preparing for their IB math exams
  • AP calculus students preparing for their calculus exams
  • Canadian Grade 11 students preparing for the exam or wanting some supplemental training
  • Canadian Grade 12 Advanced Functions students all working towards getting the best grade in their course for university admission. 

You get the idea!

The online math courses