Monthly Archives: August 2019

6 posts

How to survive the first term of first year !

I have no idea how I managed but I got through. Not the best way to start off a blog post. But I have had many first weeks’ and starts to school terms and years since then and have noticed a few things over the years. The first thing I have noticed that there are different “types” of students entering into first year. There are those students that a fresh out of high school. And of those fresh out of high school there are subcategories. There are the ones that a local and going to the “local” university or college. There are those that are “domestic” students and staying within the same country but coming from out of town to go to school. And then there are those students that are coming from out of the country to go to school, the international

Where to live in a new city?

For many people going to university or college usually means this is there first time living away from home. Not everyone moves away from home for their first year of university of college but if you are, then there are some things to consider. The first thing to consider is are you going to live in residence or off campus?