Math Worksheets and Math Video Tutorials for IB Math and High School Math
Math Worksheets and Math Video Tutorials for IB Math and High School Math

What do you do in a study group?

It seems obvious, you study in a study group. Depending on the types of study groups, the types of studying that will be done, will change. So, what exactly makes up studying?

  1. Do your homework,
  2. work ahead,
  3. read over class notes,
  4. do exercises from your text book,
  5. do extra readings or get caught up on your readings.

There is so much that can be done during a study group. There seems to be different types of study groups.

Types of study groups

  1. The sort where everyone just gets together to work on their own thing in the company of others. Kind of like having a bunch of study buddies, like a workout buddy but for studying and homework.
  2. Then there are the study groups where everyone is working on the same subject but not everyone is necessarily in the same class or grade.
  3. Then there are the study groups where everyone is the same grade and class and everyone is working on the same thing. This later study group is usually very focused and on a common goal or mission like a group project or assignment.

There are so many benefits to study groups. [1]

  1. Prevent procrastination. With the right study buddy it prevent procrastination of your studying which can be a big problem for some.
  2. Learning from someone who speaks your language. Sometimes learning in class from your teacher, an adult, can be hard to understand. Sometimes hearing the same information but from someone who speaks and understands things the way you do, your classmates, can make learning the material easier and faster.
  3. New ways to study. Studying in a group allows you to see how your friends and peers study and sometimes it can be good to try new ways of studying.
  4. Develop skills for the “real world”. I don’t like distinguishing school life from the rest of life or the “real world”. School and learning is a part of life and the “real world”. However, for some they are able to get through the school system never working with anyone and while they may seem like very smart people they are missing out a learning opportunities that group study and team work provides. Life after school will inevitably involve some cooperation and work with others with personally or in the work environment. Study groups allow for start at developing and practicing those skills.

There are many other benefits to studying in a group and working as a team. It provides a chance to meet new people, make friendships that may go beyond that study group and class. You may meet your best friend there, your future life partner there, your college room mate there. You will get a chance to learn about different sides and characteristics of your friends and classmates. In some ways, you will develop an intimate You time during those study group sessions with provide anecdotes that you will share with friends and family when you’re grown and have your own family. So many of the greatest benefits to working in a group or team have nothing to do with the subject or activity at hand but on the connections and memories that result.


  1. 7 Benefits of Study groups, Dec 2013, SpeedyPrep, URL:
  2. How to form a study group, URL: