Math Worksheets and Video Tutorials for High School and IB Math
Math Worksheets and Video Tutorials for High School and IB Math

There are many resource liks out there on the internet for mathematics to help facilitate the learning process. Graphing calculators, online graphing calculators, platforms to purchase course notes, previous midterms and exams and more. But in the end, the best tool is you and your brain. A piece of paper and a pencil are the second best as they allow you to communicate your understanding to others in writing. We help you learn to use these tools in the most efficient way for you to excel in mathematics. However, the internet is there and can sometimes be very helpful when you’re stuck on a problem and no one is around. So below are some resources we have come across or have been brought to our attention. Some are better than others; some are used in schools or for particular courses. and

Study resources

All the textbooks and resources of mathematics are only as good as your study skills.  In time this list will grow but below is the beginnings of a list of how to create study plans and skills that will work for you.  There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to learning.  Through trial and error, you will find the right combination of study methodologies, plans, guides, and skills you will achieving the result you want and more.

Create a Study Plan

Provincial Boards of Education

AP Courses

Advanced Placement or AP courses are another option if you want to stay within the curriculum in your province and challenge yourself.  Speak to your school counselor to see what AP courses are offered.  Find universities and/or colleges that accept AP credits.  AP courses are a great way to get ahead start on university. Below is a link to universities accepting AP courses.

Find universities accepting AP credits


  1. When you enter the search, enter the AP course that you plan on taking. 
  2. Then under “State” enter the province or state of the universities or college you are interested in. 
  3. To narrow the search further, enter the city of your university or college.)
  4. Once you have located your university or college, click on that university or college name.  A list of AP courses accepted by that institution is given.  

Note:  While below we have linked to some schools in Ottawa and Toronto, ON, Canada offering AP course, please check your local school and school board each year for current information.

Ottawa schools offering AP courses

Nepean High School

John McCrae Secondary School

Lisgar Collegiate Institue

Toronto Schools offering AP courses

Alexander MacKenzie High school

AY Jackson Secondary School

Bayview Secondary School

The Bishop Strachan School

Bayview Glen

Branksome Hall

Blyth Academy 

Havergal College

Bishop Allen Academy

Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School

Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School


Ontario Board Homework Help Resources

Math Competitions

Yes, there are mathematics competitions out there. While we are here to help those that want to raise their marks we are also here to help guide those that want to do more with their studies and mathematics. Below are some of the mathematics competitions in Ontario and Canada. As we find more, we will add them to the list.

Ontario Board of Education Math Text books

It’s not just the students that have homework and studying to do. We’re doing our homework and studying too! We study and do homework to help you better. Part of our homework is learning how students are taught here in Ottawa, Ontario and Canada and eventually everywhere. Below is the list of text books we have managed to find that are used by the Ontario Board of Education, the corresponding course code and the level of mathematics. All these books we found in the public library.

  1. Applied Mathematics 9, Addison Wesley, 2003 (MFM1P – grade 9, applied/foundations of mathematics)
  2. Pearson Math 9, Pearson Education Canada 2007 (MFM1P – grade 9, foundations of mathematics)
  3. Math Essentials 9, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, 2005
  4. Principles of Mathematics 9, Nelson Education Ltd. 2008 (MPM1D – grade 9, academic / principles of mathematics)
  5. Mathematics, Applying the Concepts, McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2000 (MFM2P – grade 10, foundations of mathematics)
  6. Foundations of Mathematics 10, McGraw Hill Ryerson 2007 (MFM2P – grade 10, applied / foundations of mathematics)
  7. Foundations of Mathematics 10, Pearson Educadion Canada 2000 (MFM2P – grade 10, foundations of mathematics)
  8. Principles of Mathematics 10, Pearson Education Canada Inc. 2000 (MPM2D – grade 10, academic/ principles of mathematics)
  9. Principles of Mathematics 10, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2007 (MPM2D – grade 10, academic / principle of mathematics)
  10. Functions and Applications 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2008 (MCF3F – grade 11, university/college / functions and applications)
  11. Foundations for College Mathematics 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited 2007, (MBF3C – grade 11, college prep/foundations of college mathematics)
  12. Mathematics for Everyday Life, Irwin Publishing Ltd. 2003, (MEL3E – grade 11, workplace prep/ mathematics for work and every day life)
  13. Pearson Math 11, Pearson Education Canada 2008 (MBF3C – grade 11, college prep/ foundations of college mathematics)
  14. Physique 11, STSE, Pearson Canada, 2011 (grade 11)
  15. Foundations for College Mathematics 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2009 (MAP4C – grade 12, college prep/foundations for college mathematics)
  16. Foundations for College Mathematics 12, Pearson Education Canada 2009 (MAP4C – grade 12, college math/foundations of college mathematics)
  17. Mathematics of Data Management, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2002 (MDM4U – grade 12, University mathematics/data management)
  18. Data Management 12, McGraw Hill Ryerson 2014 (MDM4U – grade 12, University/mathematics of data management)
  19. Mathematics of Data Management, Nelson, 2003 (MDM4U – grade 12)
  20. Mathematics of Data Management, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2002 (MDM4U – grade 12)
  21. Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus 12, Addison – Wesley, Pearson Education Canada Inc., 2003 (MHF4U / MCV4U – grade 12)
  22. Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus, Harcourt Mathematics 12, 2002 (MHF4U / MCV4U – grade 12)
  23. Advanced Functions & Introduction Calculus, Nelson 2002 (MCV4U – grade 12, university/calculus and vectors) 
  24. Calculus and Vectors 12, McGraw Hill Ryerson 2008 (MCV4C – grade 12, university/calculus and vectors)
  25. Advanced Functions 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2008 ( MHF4U – grade 12, university/advanced functions)
  26. Physics 12, College Preparation, Thomson Nelson, 2004 (grade 12)
  27. Physics, Book Two, Concepts and Connections, Irwin Publishing Ltd, 2002 (Grade 12)
  28. Physics 12, Nelson, 2003 (Grade 12)
  29. Chemistry 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2002 (Grade 12)
  30. Biology 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2002 (Grade 12)

Study guides with exercises and problem solutions

  1. Complete Math Smart, Grade 12, Popular Book Company (Canada) Limited, 2017. (Grade 12)
  2. The Key Study Guide, Math 10 Academic, Principles of Mathematics, Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2008 (MPM2D – grade 10)
  3. Mathematics 10 Academic, Castle Rock Research Corp., 2000 (MPM2D, grade 10)
  4. The Key Study Guide, Math 11 Functions and Applications, Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2007-2011 (grade 11)
  5. The Key Study Guide, Math 11 Foundations for College Mathematics, Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2008 (MGF3C – grade 11)
  6. Mathematics 11, Functions and Applications, Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2013 (MCF3M – grade 11)
  7. Math 12 Advanced Functions, Ontario Edition, The Key Study Guide, Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2005-2011. ( MHF4U – grade 12)
  8. The Key Study Guide,  Math 12 Data Management, University Preparation Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2008 (MDM4U – grade 12)
  9. The Key Study Guide, Chemistry 11, University Prep, Ontario Edition, Castle Rock Research Corporation, 2008-2011 (Chemistry grade 1

Nova Scotia Board of Education Math Text books

  1. Math Makes Sense 9, Pearson (Grade 9)
  2. Math at Work 10, Nelson (Grade 10, Math at Work)
  3. Foundations and Pr-Calculus Mathematics 10, Pearson (Grade 10, Math)
  4. Financial Mathematics, Nelson (Grade 10, Math)
  5. Math at Work 11, Nelson (Grade 11, Math at Work)
  6. Foundations of Mathematics, Nelson (Grade 11, Math)
  7. Foundations of Mathematics 11, Nelson (Grade 11, Extended Mathematics 11)
  8. Pre-Calculus 11, Nelson (Grade 11, Pre Cal)
  9. Math at Work, Nelson (Grade 12, Math at Work)
  10. Foundations of Mathematics 12, Nelson (Grade 12, Math)
  11. Pre-Calculus 12, Nelson (Grade 12, Pre-Cal)
  12. Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 5th edition, Pearson (Grade 12, Cal)

Saskatchewan Board of Education Math Text books

  1. Math Links 9, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Grade 9)
  2. Math Focus 9, Nelson (Grade 9)
  3. Math Makes Sense 9, Pearson (Grade 9)
  4. Mathematics 10, McGraw-Hill Pearson, (Grade 10, Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10)
  5. Foundations and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 10, Pearson Education Canada (Grade 10, Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10)
  6. Mathworks 10, Pacific Educational Press, Grade 10, Workplace and Apprenticeship Math 10)
  7. Foundations of Mathematics 11, Nelson (Foundations of Mathematics 20)
  8. Pre Calculus 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Pre Calculus 20)
  9. Math Works 11, Pacific Educational Press (Mathematics 20, Workplace and Apprenticeship)
  10. Foundations of Mathematics 12, Nelson (Foundations of Mathematics 30)
  11. Pre-Calculus 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Pre-Calculus 30)
  12. Math  Works 12, Pacific Educational Press) Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 30)

Manitoba Board of Education Math Text books

  1. Mathlinks 9 Student Edition (Grade 9)
  2. Math Focus 9 Student Text, Nelson (Grade 9)
  3. Math Makes Sense Grade 9, Pearson (Grade 9)
  4. Mathworks 10, Pacific Education Press (Grade 10, Essential Mathematics)
  5. Mathematics 10, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Grade 10, Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics)
  6. Foundations and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 10, Pearson (Grade 10, Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics)
  7. Foundations of Mathematics 11, Nelson (Grade 11, Applied Mathematics)
  8. Mathworks 11, Pacific Education Press (Grade 11, Essential Mathematics)
  9. Pre-Calculus 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, (Grade 11, Pre-Calculus Mathematics)
  10. Foundations of Mathematics 12, Nelson (Grade 12, Applied Mathematics)
  11. Mathworks 12, Pacific Educational Press (Grade 12, Essential Mathematics)
  12. Pre-Calculus 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Grade 12, Pre-Calculus Mathematics)

New Brunswick Board of Education Math Text books

  1. K-9 Math Makes Sense, Pearson (Grade 9)
  2. Geometry, Measurement Finance 10, Pacific Education Press (Grade 10, Mathworks 10)
  3. Les Mathematiques au travail 10, Pearson (Grade 10)
  4. Foundations and Pre-Caclulus Mathematics 10, Pearson (Grade 10)
  5. Mathematiques 10: fondemonts et pre-calcul, Cheneliere Education, (Grade 10)
  6. Math at Work 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Mathematics 110, Financial and Workplace Mathematics)
  7. Les Mathematiques au travail 11, Les Editions des Plaines (Mathematics 110)
  8. Foundations of Mathematics 11, Nelson (Mathematics 110, Foundations of Mathematics)
  9. Fondements mathematiques 11, Nelson (Mathematics 110)
  10. Pre-Calculus, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (pre-Calculus 110)
  11. Mathematiques pre-calcul 11, Cheneliere Education/McGraw-Hill, (Pre-Calculus 110)
  12. Math at Work 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Financial and Workplace Mathematics 120)
  13. Foundations of Mathematics 12, Nelson (Foundations of Mathematics 120)
  14. Pre Calculus 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Pre-Calculus 120A & Pre-Calculus 120B)
  15. Mathematiques pre-calcul 12, Cheneliere McGraw-Hill (Pre-Calculus 120A & Pre-Calculus 120B)
  16. Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebra, Fourth Edition, Perason/Prentice Hall (Calculus 120)

Ap Calculus references

  1. AP Calculus BC, William Ma, 5 Steps to a 5, McGraw Hill, 2020.
  2. AP Calculus AB, William Ma, 5 Steps to a 5, McGraw Hill, 2020.
  3. AP Calculus BC Prep, David S. Kahn, The Princeton Review, Penguin Random House, 2021.

IB Curriculum Math references

  1. Mathematical Studies Standard Level, P. Blythe, J. Fensom, J. Forrest, P.W. de Tokman, Oxford University Press 2012.
  2. Mathematics Standard Level, L. Buchanan, J. Fensom, E. Kemp, P. La Rondie, J. Stevens, Oxford University Press 2012.