Parents, students, teachers, tutors and the community in general are waiting to see what will happen in September. What is school going to be like? Will students be in class? Will they be at home “zooming” in and going to class virtually? Will their education be Youtube and TikTok videos? It will be interesting to see what emerges in September 2020 for education. For the time being the proposed scenario for education and learning during Covid in Ontario, Canada is approximately the following. It seems to be changing every other day!
Proposed learning during Covid program for September 2020 in Ontario.
High school
“Quadmesters”, I’m not sure if this is a word but it seems each of the two semesters will be divided into two given a total of 4 smaller semesters or “quadmesters”. Normally in a semester there are 4 courses that are studied. But with the “quadmester”plan, 2 courses will be studied during the quadmester. Each quadmetser is approximately 2.5 months long. So, approximately 10 weeks for two courses.
High school
- In person school:
- week 1 – 2 times a week in person; 3 days virtual school;
- week 2 – 3 times a week in person; 2 days virtual school;
- These two weeks are cycled throughout the years
- Complete in-home school following along with the curriculum virtually.
Elementary school
- Students go to school 5 days a week, as usual.
Note: If a student is noticeable sick or ill during school hours, they will be sent home.
Pros and cons
There are always pros and cons with any plan. The pros and cons with the tentative school schedule are many! They also vary depending on who you are, student, parent, teachers and school staff.
For students
High school
- For those students that have a hard time managing multiple courses, this may be ideal. The focus is on two subjects for 2 months, so very concentrated learning. It will be easier for those that learn better when they see the “big picture” as the components for the “big picture” will be presented over a shorter period allowing the “big picture” to come together sooner rather than later.
- If there is problem in a particular section or unit, it will be apparent almost immediately rather than go unnoticed for weeks and sometimes an entire term. Evaluation of the material taught will be sooner than later.
- Given the smaller class sizes, there is the potential for students to get more attention from the teacher and the teacher to better remember the individual weaknesses of a particular student. However, time will tell.
- The individual, online, self learning that students must do at home, will be good practice for independent learning especially for those students going on to post graduate studies.
- Going back to school all day, every day, gives young students the socialization that is required and so relevant when starting one’s educational career.
- Smaller class sizes, hopefully allows students and teachers to develop a better connection which will in turn help foster greater learning.
For parents
- For those parents that have been trying to juggle working and homeschooling, this allows them to go back to focusing on one job.
- With all the safety measure the school boards are putting into place, this will put parents mind’s at peace regarding their children’s safety and in turn their own, hopefully!
For teachers, school staff
- With less classes taking place throughout the day and less students in the school house, there will be less interactions will others throughout the day compared to other school years. Hopefully, this will limit the risk of exposure.
- High school students are not sued to learning at such a quick pace. It may be difficult for students to concentrate on a subject for long a period during a day and week. Sometimes it does take time for an idea to “sink in” and that time is not going to be available.
- Subjects studied in the first quadmester in September 2020 will surely be forgotten by the time September 2021 rolls around. “Summer slide” will be highly prevalent, but now we’re not on summer holidays, unfortunately.
- The home school days for students may not be used as effectively or efficiently by all students.
- Will students with learning challenges or requiring special provisions, receive them?
- Not all students may have the same technology or conditions at home to get the most out of home learning.
- Despite all the provisions taken to minimize the interactions with people. There is a still a chance of exposure to the virus from and to anyone, students, teachers, staff and in turn, their friends and family
- How do you keep kids respecting social distancing rules an etiquette? Kids will be kids. Not all adults are doing a great job maintaining the social distancing rules at time either!
There are many more pros and cons depending on how you look at it. In the end, time will tell what works and what doesn’t this school year while as we all learn about learning during Covid.
- 925 students, staff quarantined after coronavirus outbreak in Georgia, Hannah Jackson, Global News, Aug 2020, URL: https://globalnews.ca/news/7270235/925-students-quarantined-georgia/
- Secondary, Toronto District School Board, tdsb, URL: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Return-to-School/Learning-and-Instruction/Secondary
- Secondary School (In Person), Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, URL: https://ocdsb.ca/our_schools/novel_coronavirus_information_for_parents/learn_at_home/return_to_school_plan_2020/secondary_school
- Return to School Plan 2020, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, URL: https://ocdsb.ca/cms/One.aspx?portalId=55478&pageId=32823890
- Significant percentage of GTA students to begin school year online over COVID-19 concerns, Nick Boisvert, Aug 18, 2020, CBC News, URL: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/gta-school-boards-online-learning-1.5690896
- In-class or online learning? Ottawa parents must decide this week whether kids return to class, Josh Pringle, Aug 9, 2020, CTV News, URL: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/in-class-or-online-learning-ottawa-parents-must-decide-this-week-whether-kids-return-to-class-1.5057283
- Ontario lets school boards stagger first two weeks of new year as talks continue, Mugoli Samba, Caroline Alphonso, Aug 18, 2020, The Globe and Mail, URL: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-ontario-lets-school-boards-stagger-first-two-weeks-of-new-year-as/