Our calculus group tutoring course focuses on applying the material learnt in the Calculus and Vectors course found at the grade 12 level in Ontario, Canada, MCV4U. We focus on differential calculus in this group tutoring courses.  We start with the idea of a limit of a function; the definition of the derivative of a function and then go into the rules of differentiation. We present the idea of higher order derivatives in this course. As a result, we provide exercises and examples for a variety of functions found in the Functions and Advanced Functions courses. Applications of derivatives are presented including curve sketching. Our group tutoring courses are by no means a substitute for the actual curriculum courses. Our aim for this group tutoring course is to help the students work through solved exercises, problems and eventually be able to perform on assignments, quizzes, tests and exams more confidently.
Learning outcomes for each lesson
- Each lesson will consist of a set of worksheets related to the topics within that lesson.Â
- Each lesson is accompanied by a set of videos with worked examples related to some or all of the topics within that lesson.
- A weekly group math coaching time will be available to ask questions, work through challenging exercises together and more.
- Below an outline of the lessons and topics covered in this course.
This group tutoring course represents half of the material found in the Calculus and Vectors in preparation for integral calculus which is found in first year university courses, IB math courses and AP math. You can find out more about the topics covered in the Vectors group tutoring half of the grade 12 Calculus and Vectors course.
Calculus References:
Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus 12, Addison – Wesley, Pearson Education Canada Inc., 2003
Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus, Harcourt Mathematics 12, 2002
More references for the high school math curriculum in Ontario, Canada can be found on our math resources page.
If you have any question, please contact us by phone or email,  info@raisemymarks.com or 613-402-3508 or 613-294-3573. If you are considering one on one tutoring, you can learn more at, here.