Monthly Archives: March 2020

6 posts


How to stay healthy during social distancing

Staying home to lessen the probability of contracting the coronavirus through social distancing is great. However, the side effects of social distancing are real and can be lasting long after social distancing has been relaxed. Get outside, get fresh air, move around, play games, pick up the phone and connect with people, make the effort. Don’t leave people alone regardless of what mood they may be in.


A review: Discover the amazing world of online whiteboards

With social distancing becoming the norm, everyone is flocking to online tools, resources and services now. This including tutoring. Finding the write tools for teaching online and in particular teaching mathematics and other symbolic subjects online, is challenging. An interactive, online whiteboard is a great start. We have a short review of some of the online whiteboards we have come across and decided worth looking into.

Empty parking lot

How to continue learning with others while social distancing

The current practice is social distancing. But what exactly does this mean? Then there is self quarantine and social or self isolation. We try and decipher these terms. Then we try to decipher what online tutoring means. Studying and learning can’t stop and needs to continue. Learning has a minimum social aspect to it which needs to be fulfilled somehow through online means.